Money, at What Cost?

Isaiah Lasche
3 min readMar 22, 2021
Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels

As we’re all aware, 2020 was pretty awful. This many would say was due to the COVID 19 pandemic, and I would have to agree. The infamous germ has caused the world to somehow all simultaneously react in the same method, this is probably alarming for those who seriously study the book of revelation and read of the coming one-world government that will be present throughout the tribulation period.

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel from Pexels

To make sure I don’t go down a rabbit trail, I want to focus on what I believe the motive is behind the actions of many physicians and hospitals around the country, that is money.

So I don’t make his life even harder I won’t give his full name but a good friend of mine named Mike has been working as a paramedic for years. He has seen firsthand the shenanigans of the medical industry amidst the 2020 pandemic.

As Mike describes this as a “scamedmic,” he has witnesses doctors pronounce patients with COVID 19 as the cause of death, who clearly passed away for other more serious causes like cardiac arrest.

Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels

Due to these hospitals getting better funding as a result of more COVID cases, it would only make sense that they inflate the cases.

As it is written in 1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”

While many of you may disagree with me, I believe the death toll of COVID 19 is greatly exaggerated due to the financial incentives provided to hospitals and medical organizations. Lying is evil, and lying is being encouraged through monetary benefit.

It is absolutely wrong to exaggerate these numbers and continue to create fear amongst the nation, while at the same time, putting hard-working people in a position where their businesses must be closed, unable to provide for their families as a result of policies created in response to false information.

You’ll also notice that the already big companies like Amazon, Walmart, and others have done nothing but gained from this pandemic because it is perfectly okay and safe to walk into a Walmart, but not your local business???

In addition, the companies in charge of creating vaccines have done nothing but gain from this pandemic as well, with the government doing everything they possibly can to push an agenda to get vaccinated. Keep in mind these vaccines have not been FDA approved as of yet.

Do they really have your health in mind, or is it all for monetary gain?

Photo by from Pexels

Is the money REALLY worth the moral cost?

As Christians, we know the answer is no.

You may disagree with me 100%, but it’s just some food for thought I encourage you to look at through a Christian lens.

